Group project
SALON Franziska is a collective, that dedicated their project to the self-proclaimed task of replenishing, activating and reshaping space. A piece of “communicational furniture” was developed as a “tool” for an appropriation of space – mobile, dismountable, modifiable and therefore re-usable. The modular construction method and the variety of combinations create a multitude of possible designs and functions. Wooden lamellae of different lengths interlock like a comb and generate surfaces and planes, which are highly robust in spite of their permeability. Whenever you see “Franziska”, you are quickly inspired to experiment with the shape and think about new variations. This is exactly the leading thought: People get in touch with space and reshape it. By the use of “communicational furniture” something can occur within places that probably are forgotten, or used in another way. Maybe something happens there between people, that otherwise would not have happened without “Franziska”.
WHO: Eva-Maria Brunnauer, Cornelia Huis, Clemens Mock, Lisa Nickstat, Christina Pointner, Chris Riedlsperger, Linda Vankova, Susanna Vogel, Karin Wabro, Michael Walder, Hellfried Wallner

Foto: 1 & 2 © Greg Habedehre, Foto: 3-7 © Clemens Mock, Foto: 8 © Michael Namberger
Organised and participated projects:
Cultural breakfast at SUPER [initiative for the use of unoccupied space as an area of action for culture and knowledge], 01.04.2016 / Zwischenakt [Intermission] at Disposed [society for interdisciplinary cultural networking and the use of unoccupied space], 07.05.2016 / Days of architecture 2016, Salon Franziska in cooperation with Initiative Architecture Salzburg, 02.06.-04.06.2016 / Interlab [Festival for transdisciplinary Art and Music], Salzburg, 10.06.-11.06.2016 / Künstlerhaus Salzburg, Summer party, 02.07.2016 / Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, 08.09.-12.09.2016 / Goldilocks Pop Up Galerie, Obertrum, temporary exhibition of young Austrian fine artists, 10.09.-02.10.2016 / Schmiede, Hallein, Playground of Ideas, 14.09.-24.09.2016 /Opening of the atelier at the Künstlerhaus Salzburg, 24.11.2016 / Winterfest, Salzburg, 30.11.2016 – 08.01.2017 / Day of Action, Salzburg Museum, 01.04.2017 / Get together at SALON Franziska, 7hoch2 [festival for civil commissioned artwork], 27.04.2017 / Salon Franziska, Wege zum Glück [routes to felicity], Nordico, City Museum of Linz, 09.06.-05.11.2017