photography and digital construction, 550 x 410 mm
A view over an open field, dried out straws of corn plants, higgledy-piggledy tangled like spillikins. Fresh leaves of corn wriggling one´s way up through the undergrowth. Dark gathering clouds tighten their bodies. Unusual dysfunctional forms challenge statics. Several layers are imaginary piled up on top of each other and obtain the view in various directions.
A prototype-based draft with massive wooden walls, an architectural structure, which is surrounded by monocultural and proliferous corn plants, questions the sustainability of materials. Wood stores carbon dioxide and reduces the emission of additional gases. Corn, as a widely used article of food, is also applicable as a raw material for bio-based plastics. The sealing of soils is proceeded. An unbuilt architecture has at least a low impact on climate change.

Kultur braucht Kunst, Group Exhibition, Schlossmuseum, Linz, 26.06.-04.10.2020 / Common Ground, maybe 100 more, Erik Hable, Salzburger Kunstverein, 23.07.-20.09.2020 / Under Construction, Group Exhibition, Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, 10.02.-24.02.2021