The publication Opera publica is an avantgarde book-project, that combines interdisciplinary works of 40 contemporary artists with texts of several authors: A mixture of experimental cultural science, philosophy and “art poetique” give rise to a book-shaped “Opera publica” with work-images and exhibition-photos. Margit Nobis and Clemens Mock brought the most diverse formats of art within an enacted work-tableau together. Onlinevideoart, installation, photography, internet- and social media-art, digital objets trouvés, psychomachines and digital painting emerge as a “heterogeneous synthesis of art”.
Editors: Margit Nobis and Clemens Mock, Offene Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst [Open Society for Fine Art]
An imprint of mosaik, Salzburg
Robert Adler, Valentin Aigner, Oswald Auer, Gábor Bachman, Simon Bauer, Kerstin Bennier, Monique Berger, Matthias Buch, Ivica Capan, Anna Margit Erber, Christof Gaggl, Mario Grubisic, Harald Grünauer, Erik Hable, Christina Hartl-Prager, Jeanette Hayes, Judith Huemer, Klara Kohler, Anna Königshofer, Hannes Langeder and IFEK, Ernst Logar, Marko Markovic, Anna Mitterer, Clemens Mock, Martin Music, Margit Nobis, Daniela Pesendorfer, Andreas Prinz, Alexandra Reill, Paul Maria Schneggenburger, Veronika Schubert, Christian Stefaner-Schmid, Herbert Christian Stöger, Lisa Stuckey, Salvatore Viviano, Patrick Weber alias Crazy Bitch in a Cave, Matthias Zangerl
Harry Ecke, Lucas Gehrmann, Olivia Kaiser, Martin Lampprecht, Andreas Mohrhagen, Robert Pfaller, Michael Rottmann
Order the German-language publication here.
The book-project was produced in the context of the group exhibition Opera publica at the Künstlerhaus, Vienna. The exhibition was initiated and realised by Margit Nobis and Clemens Mock (Offene Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst), co-initiated by Oberösterreichischen Kunstverein and took place in cooperation with 40 artists and the Künstlerhaus, Gesellschaft bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Österreichs.
The publication Opera publica is supported by Stadt Wien Kultur, Kultur Stadt Salzburg, Bildrecht Gmbh, Antalis und UPM.