Public Activities


2024, Position Determination. Rethinking Cartography
Project Manager at PANGEA. Art as a tool for social change, 07-12.2024

2023, Your City – Map in View, with Camera and on Paper
Workshop at PANGEA. Art as a tool for social change, 20./21.10.2023

2023, BestOFF
Alumni Works, University of Arts Linz, 13.10.-31.10.2023

2021, Acquainted Strangers
Salzamt, Popu Zine Club, 15.02.-15.04.2021

2021, Under Construction
Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, 10.02.-24.02.2021

2020, Common Ground, maybe 100 more

Salzburger Kunstverein, 23.07.-20.09.2020

2020, Kultur braucht Kunst
Group Exhibition, Schlossmuseum, Linz, 26.06.-04.10.2020

2019, Animating Truth(s)
Animation Evening, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 19.11.2019

2018, Opera publica
Book Presentation, Bildraum 07, Vienna, 09.05.2018

2017, Philm
Exhibition on Photofilm, University of Art and Design Linz, 06.12.-15.12.2017

2017, Opera publica
Book Presentation, 5020 Artspace, Salzburg, 01.12.2017

2017, Mutual Scrub
Projections, Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz, 19.07.2017

2017, Salon Franziska
Winterfest, Salzburg, 30.11.2016 – 08.01.2017
Day of Action, Salzburg Museum, 01.04.2017
Get together at SALON Franziska, 7hoch2 [festival for civil commissioned artwork], 27.04.2017
Wege zum Glück [routes to felicity], Nordico, City Museum of Linz, 09.06.-05.11.2017

2016, Salon Franziska
Cultural Breakfast at SUPER [initiative for using unoccupied space as an area of action for culture and knowledge], 01.04.2016
Intermission at Disposed [society for interdisciplinary cultural networking and the use of unoccupied space], 07.05.2016
Days of Architecture 2016, Salon Franziska in cooperation with Initiative Architecture Salzburg, 02.06.-04.06.2016
Interlab [Festival for transdisciplinary Art and Music], Salzburg 10.06.-11.06.2016
Künstlerhaus Salzburg, summer party, 02.07.2016
Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, 08.09.-12.09.2016
Goldilocks Pop Up Gallery, Obertrum, 10.09.-02.10.2016
Schmiede, Hallein, Playground of Ideas, 14.09.-24.09.2016
Opening of the Atelier at Künstlerhaus Salzburg, 24.11.2016
Winterfest, Salzburg, 30.11.2016 – 08.01.2017

2016, Opera publica
Group Exhibition at the Künstlerhaus Vienna, Offene Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst [Open Society for Fine Art], 18.03.-17.04.2016

2014, Levante´s Coffee & Bakery
Group Exhibition of the NDU at the Vienna Design Week, 27.09.-05.10.2014
Group Exhibition at the Design Biennale Istanbul, 01.11.-14.11.2014

2013, en route metro 4
Group Exhibition at the NDU-Glanzstoff, St.Pölten, 08.11.-22.11.2013

2013, amplifier & guitar; mixer, effect pedals & amplifier; drum set
Virtual Mangarium at the Ars Electronica Center Linz, NextComic Festival 21.03.-28.03.2013

2011, Streifenbarde, Regenbogenputzer [striped bard, rainbow cleaner]
Virtual Mangarium at the Ars Electronica Center Linz, NextComic Festival 04.03.-11.03.2011

2010, A House in Pillweinstreet
Animation Evening at the Grand Hotel zum Rothen Krebsen, Linz, 16.06.2010
Group Exhibition: Arbeit nervt! Künstlerhaus Dortmund, 04.11.-04.12.2011
Group Exhibition: Opera publica, Künstlerhaus Vienna, 18.03.-17.04.2016
Projections, Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, 19.07.2017

2009, Idle Ant
Ars Electronica Center, FabLab, Linz, 2009
Rhino Day, TU Graz, 20.10.2010

2008, Space Trash
Virtual Reality Game, Group Project,
cooperation between the University of Art and Design Linz and the VRC JKU, Long Night of Research, Linz, 26.09.2008
11 Rencontres Internationales de la Réalité Virtuelle, Laval, 22.04.-26.04.2009

2007, SWW
Group Exhibition at the Freiraum/quartier 21, MQ Vienna, Available Art 4, 08.12.2007-06.01.2008

2007, plasticinema
Fragmented Reassembled, Videos in Urban Space, Linz, 13.02.-16.02.2007

2006, Das Experimentelle Element [the experimental element]
Presentation of videos, produced within the “Experimental Design” on Okto-Tv, 17.06.2006

2005, Net´O´Drom
Group project, Virtual Reality Game,
cooperation between the University of Art and Design Linz and the VRC JKU, Long Night of Research, Linz, 01.10.2005

2005, things to come_trendzone linz mitte
Staged construction site on the former cargo train station,
Project in cooperation with trans_areale, Delve of Spade 29.01.2005
Diploma Exhibition, University of Art and Design Linz, 28.06.-11.07.2005
best off 05, Lentos, museum of art, Linz, 07.10.-13.11.2005

2004, Der Ritter der Haselnuss [the knight of hazelnut]
Debùtnale, Festival of the first Videos, Frohsinn Linz, 26.11.-27.11.2004

2003, within the scope of linz
We’ve never had a situation like this, MAK-NITE, Vienna,17.06.2003
best off 03, transpublic, Linz, 02.10.-04.10.2003
Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz, 04.05.-09.05.2004

2003, video treatment
Markus Gansberger, Verena Resch and Clemens Mock at Video Walhalla Tirol,
Laboratory Büchsenhausen Innsbruck and Atelier van Lieshout Rotterdam,
May 2002 – March 2003, workshop talk: 08.03.2003

2002, foodarchitecture
Embrace the Swarm, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, 07.09.-12.09.2002
Boiling Architecture: Architestural Forum of Upper Austria, 14.11.-05.12.2003

2002, Island in the sun
Visuals at Palmenhaus Vienna with artist collective ASAP, 18.01.2002

2002, the attempt to teach a dove how to fly
Diagonale Filmfestival, Graz, 18.03.-24.03.2002
best off, Linz, 04.10.-06.10.2002
Sehsüchte Festival, Potsdam, 30.04.-05.05.2002
Centro per l´Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, 25.02.-28.05.2006
Okto-Tv, Das Experimentelle Element, 04.03.2006
ASIFA Trickplattform #5, Vienna, 26.06.2008
Metro Kinokulturhaus, X-Mixtura Grande, Vienna, 17.01.-03.02.2010
Philm, Exhibition about Fotofilm, University of Art and Design Linz, 06.12.-15.12.2017
Animating Truth(s), Animation Evening, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 19.11.2019
BestOFF 2023, Alumni Works, University of Arts Linz, 13.10.-31.10.2023

2001, Lentia 2001
Survey and a series of photos about a building in Linz Urfahr

2000, sweet home aquarium
Visuals Wolfgang Hauer, Bernd Oppl and Clemens Mock
Music Club Flex, Vienna, 24.01.2000

1999, Labyrinth Level
3D-Computer-Game, Wolfgang Hauer and Clemens Mock
KulturAXE, Castle Topolcany, Time Warp 99, Slovakia, June 1999
Institut Francaise, Salle de Bal, Vienna, 30.10.1999
U-Festival Inspira Marginalia, Turin, 04.11.-11.11.1999